My entry here does not answer the question per se; however, I share with you an approach that I came across in a book several …
What Do Physicists Mean When They Say Time Is The Fourth Dimension?
This comes to mind often when I am crossing a railway bridge and a fast-moving train thunders past on the track directly below where I …
How Do I Write A Custom Tigase/XMPP Server?
I was asked by the OP to answer this question, that is, how does one go about writing a custom XMPP server. My approach to …
A Library Developed By Me: ObjectStore on GitHub
ObjectStore is an object versioning, dependency management, and cascading event propagation library written entirely in C# on the .Net platform. The library mainly does three things: It …
C# As A Functional Programming Language
{{ This is a re-published article: it first appeared on my personal blog in 2010. }} If you have watched any of the videos on SICP …
The HexaTriDecimal Numbering System
{{ This is a re-published article: it first appeared on CodeProject back in 2010. Unfortunately they unceremoniously substituted my article with another author’s, assigning no …
Understanding The Principles of Internet Security In Simple Words
The Internet We all use the internet on a daily basis, be it for checking email, visiting websites, or just plain surfing. But how many …
The 3 P’s of Network Marketing
Read the full article here: