[This was a poem I had written about a quarter of a century back, in the early- to mid-90s. I would be in high demand every Valentine’s Day 😀 My friends would get me Valentine’s Day cards and I would write entire poems around the card’s theme.]

We had walked the road of life together,
And exchanged promises and vows.
Your laughter ringing like silver bells, I remember,
And your eyes moving like a doe’s.

I shaped my dreams around you,
Your every hope became mine,
When suddenly you shattered them,
And decided to go it alone.

Today as I walk its lonely stretch,
The road seems longer than ever.
When just yesterday it seemed,
One life wouldn’t be enough to enjoy its vast expanse.

I shrug and walk though,
Wondering if it had all really happened.
And if this dream had really happened,
Why did it have to end?

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